Below are projects that keep
Howard and Mira busy.
land preservation and conservation
Mira and Howard were certified by the Natural Land Institute for their conservation efforts with comrades at their home in Northern Illinois.
Check out the many ways in which Howard and Mira limit their ecological footprint!
Speaking with Health care workers
Tuesday, December 4, 2018 - Berkeley Center for Social Medicine Colloquia Series: Howard Waitzkin speaks to community members, students, faculty, the California Nurses Association, and National Nurses United.
Horizontal stateline autonomous
Region Organizing
Howard and Mira have been central to building a solidarity economy and autonomous mutual aid community in Northern Illinois.
Horizontal is a midwest grassroots movement seeking to develop affordable housing, land conservation and agricultural projects, as well as organizing community defense and emergency support.
The health crisis is complex for vets and gi’s
Interview on DV Radio
The Hosts of DV Radio, a Veteran’s Health Podcast,
interviewed Howard about his experience working with veterans, GI’s, and the health care system.
To hear the recording please click here:
Civilian Medical Resources Network
Howard directs the Civilian Medical Resources Network, a network of volunteers who help active-duty service members and veterans obtain civilian medical and mental health services when they can’t get their needs met in the military or Veterans Administration.
Please check out the website and consider participating or donating.
For the CMRN website, please click here:
allende program in social medicine/
programa allende en medicina social
Howard also leads this small foundation that supports projects in social medicine. Please see the website. You are welcome to contact us, suggest projects, and help with a donation.
Please click below to reach the website.
The following includes a list of Howard’s publications produced by a variety of publishing houses, centered on health care providers’ relationship to capital and the health care industry.